Order of the Program
From Our Level 1 Musicians
Levitating by Lipa, Coffee, Hudson, & Coz
From Our Level 2 Musicians
Gator Jazz Session:
Jazzy Warm-Up
Gator Solos
Mellow Hot Cross Buns
AuClair De La Lune
Jingle Bells!
From Our Level 3 Musicians
Frosty the Snowman by Walter Rollins & Steve Nelson
Jolly Old St. Nicholas by Emily Huntington Miller
Jingle Bells by James Lord Pierpont
Good King Wenceslas by John Mason Neale
O’ Come O’ Come Emmanuel A Traditional Hymn arranged by John Mason Neale
C Jam Blues by Duke Ellington
Our Musicians
Level 1
Malcom Boyd
Davin Bynum
Alaina Clay
Emelyn Cristobal
Ava Cunningham
Daisy Fuentes-Torres
Marley Harris
Kent Herway
Adrian Martin
Arielle Martinez
Quinton Monroe
Seth Morris
Jazlyn Motten
Jamilyn Ortega
Zariel Wade
Zenoviah Wade
Charnise Whitfield
Nyota Yakabo
Level 2
Elizabeth Alvarado
Kyle Cruz Ayala
Edison Nolasco
Ysabella Lopez
Jaelyn Ballou
Ni’Ana Chandler
Autumn Paige
Alayah Scott
Norah Twine
Carson Wesson
Ja’Saun Jones
Grayson Stepp
Kendall Wesson
Level 3
Divine Bynum
Endures Fuentes-Torres
Leilani Lopez
Alexis Cristobal Gonzalez
Omniaa Reid
Jaryn Wesson
Tonight’s Teaching Artists & Staff
Lynn Ballou, Greenwood Site Manager
Ciara Baker, Level 1 Teaching Artist
Adrian Gaines, Level 2 Teaching Artist
Brandon Musko, Level 3 Teaching Artist
To learn more about these staff, meet all of our staff, or see our Board of Directors, use the buttons below!
Special Thanks To…
The Greenwood Elementary Administrative Staff and Teaching Faculty
The Greenwood Elementary Custodial and Security Staff
Newport News Parks & Recreation Greenwood Site Staff
Our Students’ Parents and Guardians

Thank You to all Soundscapes Donors!
Platinum Level
Bernardine Franciscan Sisters Foundation
Caren Kaplan and Richard Seidel Charitable Fund
Carnegie Hall
J.W. Whiting Chisman, Jr.
City of Newport News
Earl & Waverly Charitable Fund
Stanley & Brigid Gallaer
Robert R. Hatten
Anne Henry
John & Marjorie Holt
Huntington Ingalls Industries – Newport News Shipbuilding
Thomas W. Meehan
Wendy Drucker & Michael Piercy
Petters Family Foundation
Randolph D. Rouse Foundation
Virginia Commission for the Arts & NEA
VuBay Foundation
Gold Level
Joseph & Patricia Barto
Peninsula Community Foundation of Virginia
Rea Charitable Trust
The Abbitt Group, Inc.
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
TMG, Inc.
Wendy C. Drucker Family Foundation
Rene Wenleder
Silver Level
John & Rose Garrett
Bill & Janice Grace
James R. Knight
Marta Heflin Foundation
MPI Fastech LLC
Donald Patten
Robert & Toni Bader Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Ward Scull
Bronze Level
Jörg & Sue Aeschbach
Wanda M. Austin and John E. Decher III
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Charles & Mari Ann Banks
Christopher & Brynn Beal
John Bright
Charles & Gloria Brooks
CNU Education Foundation
Monte Correll
Creek View Fund
Ferguson Center for the Arts
Trip Ferguson
Terry & Patti Hall
Arthur & Nancy Henderson
Polly Holt
Kiwanis Club of Greater Hilton
Bobby & Vicki Lanier
Laufer Insurance Solutions
Luxur-Eyes Optometric Center
Patrick & Elaine McDermott
Tom Morris
Nancy & Franklin Phillips Charitable Fund
Mary Neale
Payday Payroll Services
Donald & Louise Ragland
Rotary Club of Newport News Foundation
Rotary Club of Oyster Point
Jim & Becki Shamblen
Troy & Teresa Stavens
Target Corporation
The Beach Group
Virginia Wertman & Stanley Bolding
John & Mary Wood
James Adkins
Michael Angell
Robert Bailey
Joni Baker
Bert and Mary Bateman
Linda Bates
Claire Bellecci
Jason Benson
Beth W. Moore, CPA PLLC
Jennifer Brauer
Howard Britt
Mary Dame Broad
Jennifer Brown
Rebecca Brown & Lyle Easley
Christine Cann
Judith Carey
Ward & Anne Cates
Richard B. Chance
Kristin Cochran
Leroy & Cora Collins
Bettie Minette Cooper
Wilson & Ann Cooper
Judy & Jerry Copes
Dorothy & Lake Critzer
Marilen Crump
Michael Curry
Jane & Gordon Cutler
Paul Danehy & Shelly Simonds
Sue Danehy
Jeanette DeBartolo
Jenna Eppink
Christopher Espy
Darla Fabunan
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fox Screen Printing & Embroidery
Charles Frechette
Wallace & Barbara Garner
Janet Gecowets
Gordon Gentry, Jr.
GFWC Women’s Club of Hampton Roads
Rob & Susan Goetz
James Gray
Margaret Gregory
LeRoy & Kathi Griffin
Mary Beth Hatten
Lee & Vicki Hauser
Ted & Merrill Hemmert
Tom & Donna Herbert
David Herce
Judith Hilburger
John Roger Hogg
Conover Hunt
Evelyn Hutchens
Brian & Maureen Hutchens
Isabel & Philip Hatchett
David Jenkins
Nancy Jones Trimble
Burke King
Laura Kostel
Margaret LaBell
Urja Lansing
Greg & Pam Lawson
Joseph & Marjorie Layser
Judith Letchworth
Wayne & Rebecca Lett
Anne P. Linn
Christina Luers
Amy Lugand
Candyce & Don Mayo
Harry & Judy McPherson
Carol & Patrick Minter
Jeannine Moga
Michael & Kathy Monteith
John & Amine Morgan
Judith Myers
Amy Nathan
Jim & Ellen Neff
Network for Good
Newport News Arts Commission
Bradley Norris
Craig Nuckles
Jeannette Dodson-O’Connell
Rick Overbaugh
Francie Pearce
Marc & Kate Powell
Reynaldo & Cynthia Ramirez
Teresa Randolph
Neal & Barbara Rosenbaum
Chris Ross
Robert & Alice Rubinstein
Janet Salley
Robert Schmidt
Bobby Scott
Lindsey Sharpe
L. Wallace & Elizabeth Sink
Luvia & Tim Sniffen
Ruth Steinberg
Wendy Stephens
Gloria Strong
Kenneth Stump
Amber Thomas
John & Ellen Tompkins
Paul & Rosemary Trible
Helmuth Trieshmann & Tamzen Burgess
Valerie Wallace
Bobby & Joy Walters
James & Mildred Wassum
Chip & Peggy Watson
William Wilds
Josephine Williams
Kristen Witt
Woman’s Club of Hilton Village
Stephen Wood & Eileen Chadis Wood
Patricia & Gerard Woodbury
Jim & Joan Wool
Betty Wrightson
Amy Zakrzewski Watson
Michael & Karen Allen
Kelley Brown
Amy Elefteriou
Bill & Janice Grace
David Hamilton
Wilford and Kristie Holcombe
Sue Iezkovits
Dorothy Tenczar
Kathy Walker
Bobby & Joy Walters
This list above reflects donations and pledges made between May 1, 2021 and April 30, 2022. In spite of our best efforts, errors occassionally occur. If you notice a mistake, please accept our apologies and contact Sara Balgoyen at sbalgoyen@soundscapeshr.org or 757-273-6178 ext 8 so we can correct our records.